Fort Lauderdale beach--it was VERY cold--not t-shirt weather at all!

Our night out New Year's Eve--one of Chris's brothers is missing (he was at the hotel with the baby.)

Chris holding Jay Elise at the beach.

Some of the critters at the Miami Seaquarium.

Some pretty talented dolphins at the Seaquarium.

Lolita :)

There were some little fish in a very big aquarium at the Seaquarium...

and a very big fish in the aquarium, too.

This is about as much sun as we saw on Thursday. But it made for a pretty picture. : )

The everglades--I thought they were beautiful.

We were going pretty fast on our boat. :)

The first alligator we saw--and that's all we saw of him.

The second one...
and he kept coming closer...

and closer...

: )

I made a friend :)