Sunday, July 02, 2006

Odd Sunday

We stayed home today because Chris's back was hurting a lot yesterday, and, even though he's somewhat better, it still hurts today. He doesn't think he pulled anything, but his lower back was hurting a lot. He didn't want to agravate it, so we're staying home today.
I'm trying to get some cleaning/organizing done, and I think I'm going to get rid of some stuff. We have stuff from Chris's old house and stuff that was given to us that we never use. I figure if after almost two years of marriage we haven't used it, get rid of it! Some people in our church are organizing a flea market to sell things and raise money for the church, so I'm going to try to take stuff to sell. That should make some room in our little apartment. :)


ColoMeli said...

Is Chris feeling better today?

Elizabeth said...

Yes, he is. Thanks. :)
We went for a drive and found Russian stores, so he's very happy right now. :)