Friday, July 07, 2006

This is too complicated for me! After days and weeks, I am finally considered a "team member". After hours and hours, I can finally make my comments known. I guess I should rejoice and be happy in tribulations. My mind is probably being stretched, which is supposed to be a good thing.

The big news of the day is that we framed the penguin poster which we bought in Chubut in 2002 and the poster of Iguazu Falls which we bought when Liz and Chris were here. Wow.

I don't think we told very many people, but we took out the room divider which was between the living room and dining room. We bought 2 "biombos" made of "junco" which can easily be moved around according to whether we want the room open or divided. It is really strange when we have it all open. We had talked about it over a long period of time. On Flag Day (a Monday), when we got up in the morning, Dad said, "Why don't we take down the divider?" The three of us did it all in the morning and then went to Pablo's and Carolina's to eat (noon).

We are having our "Sunday school contest" this month. The first Sunday there were no visitors, but we had chocolate, coffee and sweet rolls.


Elizabeth said...

Good job, Mom! I still need to frame the poster I bought at Iguazú. I don´t remember the penguin poster--what did it look like?

ColoMeli said...

Hey, good job being efficient! The posters are now framed!! :-) I understand why it must look odd to have the dividers down in the LR/DR. That'll take some getting used to, but this way you can have the DR any size/shape you want. Neat.

As for your blogging trials...I Peter 5:10.