Monday, August 07, 2006

Pictures of this weekend

If you don't recognize them, I don't know who they are. I'm sure Mom could fill us in. :)


Elizabeth said...

Grandpa was hilarious this weekend. He was doing some work with/for (I'm not sure) an Amish person and decided he liked their hats. Since he had the hat, he decided he'd grow the little goatee thing. Chris and I were cracking up because he looks pretty "hip". :D
I talked him into taking his Amish hat to the reunion. Oh, and he wouldn't smile for me in that picture because "the Amish don't smile." (!!!!) :)
I think he really likes Chris--he kept sitting next to him and talked to him about anything and everything (including his prostate surgery), and once on Monday asked me where Chris was. :)
Another fun note: I offered to go to the pavilion where the reunion was being held early and put up a sign so no one else would sit there for lunch. Grandpa agreed, and together we made a sign. Chris and I went, and as I walked up to the pavilion a family was walking up with their lunch. I told them it was reserved, so they left. I told Grandpa that, and he was very relieved I had gone. He later told Aunt Joyce, "We sent the right person for the job." I think he was impressed that I was able to turn people away without any qualms. :)

Elizabeth said...

I do know that the picture after Gary is of his daughter and her family, but I didn't recognize her as Tracy (the one that stayed with U. Steve.)

ColoMeli said...

Glad you were there! Elianna wore his Amish hat when we were there a week ago; he was not impressed with that. :-/ He told us about his rationale the hat/mustache look, and I just had to smile.

Did I tell you that when we were there, I was washing dishes after breakfast on Sunday morning while Grandpa was reading the paper. Without looking up, he said, "I work 6 days of the week. I'm not going to work on Sunday." :-)

Later, when Jason was trying to find a mop (and Grandpa couldn't figure out where the new mophead was), Grandpa said, "I don't spend any more time than I need to in the house; I have too much work to do"--including the work on the old schoolhouse, which is where he met the Amish.

Elizabeth said...

He let me know he doesn't wait on people when they're at his house, but that was after he pulled out food for us and gave me everything I needed to make sandwhiches for our trip. :)

ColoMeli said...

I love it! He acts like he's terribly inconvenienced when we're there, but when we leave, he's always worried about us. :-) He's worried about the kids having water and being uncomfortable buckled into their car seats. He's worried about whether we know where we're going and have the best route mapped out. He's worried about whether the dog has treats and enough water...etc., etc.