Yes, they met at Northland. If you thought the glasses were bad, you should have seen the scraggly goatee he had the day before--that she didn't mind his keeping!! (And that's Micah's bow tie, by the way; Jeremy lost his.)
That's so funny!! He wore Micah's bow-tie and Micah ended up with a tie too big for him--from what I can tell in the picture. Oh well, they're in love. :)
Davidson. Yes, I suppose she does fit into the family. Micah is wearing Jared's tie, which thankfully was the right color to blend in with the wedding colors and the other ties. However, that left Jared without a tie, which bummed him out because he was wearing a new suit. And he does (believe it or not) like to look sharp. I had actually thought about packing an extra tie, and then decided that, even if we did end up attending Ridgewood on Sunday morning, Jared would be completely out of place wearing a tie there; so I didn't bother packing a second one. I should have gone with my first impulse.
I thought so! :-) I cropped the picture, so you can't see everyone smiling behind them. There were lots of "Awww..." when they came in. :-)
Somehow the bow-tie fits Jeremy VERY well. How come she didn't talk him into buying some less geeky glasses?
Did they meet at Northland?
Yes, they met at Northland. If you thought the glasses were bad, you should have seen the scraggly goatee he had the day before--that she didn't mind his keeping!! (And that's Micah's bow tie, by the way; Jeremy lost his.)
That's so funny!! He wore Micah's bow-tie and Micah ended up with a tie too big for him--from what I can tell in the picture.
Oh well, they're in love. :)
Does she look like Jenny? It does seem so from the third picture.
Davidson. Yes, I suppose she does fit into the family. Micah is wearing Jared's tie, which thankfully was the right color to blend in with the wedding colors and the other ties. However, that left Jared without a tie, which bummed him out because he was wearing a new suit. And he does (believe it or not) like to look sharp. I had actually thought about packing an extra tie, and then decided that, even if we did end up attending Ridgewood on Sunday morning, Jared would be completely out of place wearing a tie there; so I didn't bother packing a second one. I should have gone with my first impulse.
That's funny--he must take after his Uncle Ben. :)
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