We had about a dozen preschoolers here yesterday for Micah's birthday party. (Could that be why I was a basket case today??) That does not include the 3 babies and 2 toddlers that came along with their mothers, who wanted to stay and help. :) Needless to say, Micah had fun...although I had a hard time convincing him that his birthday was all day long, and not just during the actual moments of his birthday party. Oh, well.
The gift of taekwondo belts that he's opening was from his big brother, who handed down his belts to Micah, who he thought would enjoy them. He was right--it was one of Micah's favorite gifts. And I was thankful for the maturity and grace Jared demonstrated.
The other 2 gifts were the ones from Mom & Dad. The gun was a hit (with everyone!). Micah was delighted.
To finish off the post, I'll share Micah-isms.
Most 3-year-olds (this was before his birthday): "I hate this food."
Micah: "I don't really love this food."
Most 3-year-olds: "When I get up in the morning, I want to play outside."
Micah: "When it's another wonderful day, may I play outside, please?"
Jared was telling Micah about a sporting event he attended a few months ago, about which Micah had no recollection. After Micah said several times, "I don't remember that," Jared pointed out that Micah couldn't remember, because he was taking a nap while Jared went to the soccer game with Jason. Micah pondered that for a few moments, then observed, "Yes, I remember that nap. It was a lot of hard work."
Don't you long for the days when the hardest work you had to do all day was take a nap? :D :D :D
That's great! I love the fact that Jared gave him his belts and Micah loved them. :) That's really neat.
Sounds like another smashing party! You're such a good mom!
The wall hanging came in handy. :-) Way to go, Mom!
I tried to play some games, but none of them went terribly well. For some reason, 3 and 4-year-olds are not terribly adept at following directions and staying in line. I had them play "Duck, Duck, Goose" while I finished setting things up. Then we played "Hot Potato" (with a real potato, because one of Bob the Builder's friends is a scarecrow named Spud, because his head is made out of a potato). Anyway, I also had an obstacle course, of sorts, which is what Micah is doing on the tractor. They had to hit a golf ball with a golf club from the start line to the tractor; pick up the ball and put it in the trailer attached to the tractor; ride the tractor to the table; pick up a cup, fill it with dirt, run to the next bucket, and dump the dirt in; then kick the soccer ball into the net.
I also had Bob the Builder coloring sheets for them to work on as they arrived, so that they would stay contained in the living room and not wander all over the house looking for toys to make a mess with. After the coloring sheets, we played the games outside; then we came in and read the story about the wise man and foolish man building their houses. And we sang the song that goes with it.
We had cake, then Micah opened gifts. I was glad when they all went home. :-) Although I was also glad that all the people I invited who were available did come. I wasn't sure that several of the families would let their children come to our house. That was a pleasant surprise!
I hope so. I'm getting tired of this.
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