Sunday, October 08, 2006

I finally got a weekend!

I was able to get some much needed rest yesterday! And, Chris took me to Red Lobster for my birthday (just a week late). It was nice to not have to be at work and think about work.
Not sure what else to write about.
Our church has received a bid for the property (and a good bid, too, according to the pastor). So we might be selling the property sooner than later.
Chris is plugging away at seminary--still not decided what he's doing exactly after his MDiv, but he's leaning to staying at Calvary for his ThM if he needs a ThM for his PhD. Maybe I'll have to call him Dr. Sweety after he gets his PhD...


ColoMeli said...

Did you have the church property up for sale, or did someone who was interested just make an offer? Where would you move to? Does the church want to stay in the same area, or are you considering a move to another part of the city? I'm glad you had a weekend. We almost had one, too--at least the weather was glorious.

Elizabeth said...

The weather was nice here, too. Yes, the property is up for sale because the building is falling apart, we're constantly under-budget, and we can't afford to stay there. We want to stay in the area, but find something a little more visible. The pastor and deacons are already looking at a house with office space on Ridge (the busy street just two blocks from the church.)