Friday, October 20, 2006

It's not personal, it'

I'm glad to see that the Colo-Colo fans didn't have anything personal against Boca players those many years ago. It's just a soccer thing.


ColoMeli said...

What in the world?! These fans need to learn new tricks. You sure have a good memory for things that are "just soccer." :-)

Elizabeth said...

What can I say? I think it was seared in my mind watching my favorite soccer players get beat up by fans, players, and photographers.

Elizabeth said...

I'll never forget that the German shepherd that bit Navarro Montoya in the butt, died. :) It still makes me laugh.

ColoMeli said...

:D :D :D That'll teach you to bite anybody in the butt--you wouldn't want that cause of death listed in your obituary. :D