These are pictures from the church and the parsonage. I don't have time to post much more right now. (We are enjoying the free wi-fi at McDonald's. Yes, that would be free wi-fi at McDonald's. Tells you how ritzy this area is.) One picture I took as we drove through the bigger mountains, west of Denver; most of the pictures I took from the car were too blurred. The picture of Jared is in the snow fort he and Andrea built next to the parsonage. One picture shows the kids in the foreground, with a house in the background. The house is the parsonage; the picture was taken from the porch of the "guest house," where we stayed.
Great!!!! Looks like fun!! Did the kids have a blast?
If that were me, I would still be by the side of the road taking pictures!! :)
One of the first things Jason said when we were driving through the Rockies was that "Liz would love to be out here taking pictures." :-)
I guess he knows me. :)
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