We had lots of great food! The person you might not recognize, is Ryan from the seminary there. He was a "Christmas orphan" whom Ben and Betsy took in for the day.

I'm sure the neighbors could hear us laughing all the time!

There were a couple games of Monopoly that weekend, as well as a Risk game and a game of Rook. Ben almost got clobbered during the game of Risk but was able to finish the game with just losing his troups--not his life. :)

You're not only on the ball, getting these pictures up so quickly, but you take great pictures, too! Thanks for sharing them!
It was so good to see you. Spending time with you filled my heart up. :-)
Is that a fat joke? :)
I can't take credit for all the pictures, because some of those were ones that Jason and Matt took when they were "playing" with my camera.
I had some time last night when we got home, so I got them up here. I figured Dad, Mom and Sam would like to see them right away.
It was great to see you and spend time with you, too! It was such a great reminder of the wonderful family we have. Although, your kids are growing up too fast. You need to work on that. :)
I counted them--of the pictures I posted, I took about half of them.
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