Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007

New furniture!

At least for us. :) We bought this from Donna's parents who moved to an apartment. I love it!

Matt and I were a tad worried that it wouldn't make it to Sumneytown from Allentown, but it made it and didn't fall off the truck. :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I love Weight Watchers!

Even with the weekend parties, I was able to lose 2 pounds last week. I'm down a total of 17.2 pounds (7.8 kilos)! I guess all that cleaning paid off. :)
Thanks for being supportive!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chris's installment service

I don't have too many pictures, but it was a nice service. We had a little time of fellowship afterwards. Pastor was able to move the service to today since Leigh was here. It was nice of him to do that. It wasn't an ordination--I think that'll happen later on.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Chris's Graduation

We had the lunch in the youth room at Calvary because it was a little cold and there was a chance of rain. Thanks for praying for the weather though. It wasn't too bad, and I'm sure others that had parties outside appreciated the prayers. :)
(By the way, those are his Batman cuflinks he's wearing.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I can't believe it

I can't believe that I was able to post something yesterday. For weeks the blogger baron wouldn't let me blog. It said I wasn't a team member!!!!
So ... now that I'm in, there's not much news here! Dad and I are here and not much exciting has happened recently. Monday, we had a lunch meeting about "Fundamentalismo" with the Harrises and Howells. Later in the afternoon, we went for a ride to Santa Clara; but it was pretty much a ghost town (since we are in winter) . Yesterday, Dad took the combi to a mechanic and will pick it up tomorrow. I am cleaning and re-organizing.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hello from Sumneytown

The weather has been nice, with the occassional thunderstorm--which is the best part of summer!
I went for an hour-long walk yesterday and discovered a new trail in our park. I'm planning on bringing my camera today when I go again. There's a lot of spring wild flowers out. :) I'm a sucker for flowers.
Most of the graduation announcements are out, so expect those in the mail. Wish you all could be there (Matt, you BETTER be there!) :)
Chris's mom will be coming out for it. It'll be good to see her.
Chris is working hard on his projects for his two classes. His last day of class is the 14th.
I've lost 9.2 pounds so far. :) That's pretty good for four weeks, I think.
Work has been pretty quiet for me recently. I'm waiting to see if it doesn't pick up much, I might try to find a more full-time position within the department. I get too bored, otherwise.
I've been feeling better, although still feel tired off and on. Yesterday was one of those days.
I trust everyone is doing fine and dandy! :D