Sunday, August 26, 2007


BJ's cemetery in their entrance...there's spots for the living presidents and their wives. How morbid is that?!!

Where Sam will be working.

He's officially a student now!!


ColoMeli said...

Eeeewww! A cemetery in the entrance? With spots for BJ3 and his wife, and Steven and his wife?? :-(

What job did Sam get in the dining commons? Is he okay with that? I know he really wanted to get a job working with computers.

ColoMeli said...

P.S. Sandals and shorts--Matt is obviously not a BJ student. :-D

Elizabeth said...

The photographer was also wearing sandals and shorts. :) We were quite proud of ourselves, I must say.
Yes, major EEEEWWWW!
He got the clean up crew, and ironically enough, he was happy that he got something that he knew already knew stuff about! :) I think he shouldn't have a problem getting a computer job next year. It would be hard for a freshmen to get a job like that.

Mom said...

Thank you for the photos!

Mom said...

About the P.S. - - Matt's hat said "Weidner University" (or how ever it is spelled) which added to the non-BJ look