Thursday, July 27, 2006

This is what happens when you eat Cream of Wheat

Chris likes Cream of Wheat, so we bought some several days ago. Last night I saw on the box that one serving contains half a day's requirement of iron. Cool!
Being the nutrition conscious person that I am, I had Cream of Wheat last night AND this morning for breakfast.
Well, I've noticed that I don't feel as tired today as I usually do (might have nothing to do with the Cream of Wheat, but work with me here). That's a good thing.
But I think my sudden burst of energy from all the iron in my body has made me a little "unstable"--I volunteered to head up a project today.
What was I thinking? Granted, it's nothing complicated--just a matter of getting people together from different project teams and encourage them to work together.
On the good side: in speaking with the project manager about this volunteer position I find myself in now, I found out that he mentioned my name to our CEO amongst others that are doing well in the project and are showing leadership. Very cool!
He was obviously glad that I volunteered, and I guess it wins me more brownie points with him.

(This is also on my mindsay blog.)


Elizabeth said...

Now you tell me! ;)
It really won't be a big deal (I hope.)

ColoMeli said...

Brownies? How do brownies fit in with your low-cholesterol diet?

Elizabeth said...

Well, if you omit the eggs and butter, you have cholesterol free brownies. Not that you'd have much of a brownie left over.